Site News Redux
Apologies to any IE users who visited the site before today. I had completely forgotten to test the compatibility of the site with your browser, and nobody had told me how horrible it looked. I’m going to pretend that it was due to a combination of being distracted by my PhD and wishfully thinking that nobody uses IE anymore. Anyway, whatever the reason for my lapse so far it should look okay now. I couldn’t get it perfect, but almost. If you use Opera or Safari or Lynx or something else and there are problems, let me know and I’ll do what I can.
Oh, and if you dropped by to check out the Random Saying Generator and clicked through to the main site, welcome! Hopefully a few of you at least will find something of interest here.
Keen-eyed readers will have noticed that Tuesday marked the momentous occasion of the first story actually completed on the new site. I can’t promise this will become a common occurrence, but at least now there’s a precedent.
The stuff that gets posted on the story blog is, for the most part, posted without editing of any kind. When I finish whatever I’m writing, I submit it. If there are glaring mistakes I will go back and fix them, but beyond that nothing is changed once I hit post. This is actually a conscious decision, because the primary aim of this outlet is to get me writing again. I know what I’m like, and the lack of editing, the jumping back and forth between stories and one-off snippets, and the lack of any “quality control” (which is to say that if I write something for the page it gets posted whether I think it’s good or not) are all specifically to stop me from getting stuck on anything.
That said, the eventual goal of all this is to start producing full, edited, quality-controlled stories again. There are at least three novels waiting around in the wings to be written, including the sequel to Nadir. (To be honest it’s more like seven, but three are out ahead right now.) To that end, if and when I finish stories here I will re-post them in their full, stitched-together glory in a separate section somewhere. I’ll do my best to get that sorted in the next few days, and while I’m at it I’ll try to fix the “old stuff” section. When I stitch the stories together, I’m going to let myself edit and polish them. Realistically the degree of polish each story gets will probably depend on how attached I am to it, but I can live with that.
Oh, and speaking of quality control, the Jenny and Mug theme song has been stuck in my head for four solid days now. Yes, there is more to it than I posted the other day. No, I probably won’t record it for you guys. I did consider it, wondering if perhaps that might get it out of my head, but on reflection I think that’s unlikely.