Not sure whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing that it’s a Saturday

There was a jungle outside my front door this morning. Sorry if I don’t sound adequately phased by that. Believe me, I’ve been through all the relevant emotions. Disbelief, astonishment, confusion, despair, fear, anger. Even swearing. After today I’ve decided that swearing can be an emotion. If you’d been here you’d understand.

I suppose I should point out that I’m not being metaphorical here: it’s literally a jungle out there, not figuratively. It’s not just that Sissy forgot to prune her geraniums, either. I went out a ways. Kept the door in sight. I heard some kind of big cat in the distance, though. Couldn’t tell you which, it’s not the kind of thing that’s come up before. Anyway, I came back and I threw the latch and I haven’t been out again.

Outside the kitchen window it looks more like woods. Not quite as wild. I didn’t notice that to begin with, but I’ve had a few hours to sit and look at it now and it’s definitely different to the front. The bedroom window looks like Antarctica. Lots of ice, not much else. Cold as hell, too. I think I’ll be sleeping down here tonight.

Sissy was banging on the wall, earlier. At least I think it was Sissy. These walls are thick, and I couldn’t hear well but from what I could tell it’s not just my apartment that’s… wrong. Not sure about the other two. No sound from the new couple on the other side of me, but they could just be curled up in a ball in a corner. I did that for a while. It helped some, but not much.

Anyway, this is like the third message I’ve left, in case you didn’t get the other two for some reason. I’m not sure what you’ll find when you show up for our date tonight. I get the feeling we might have to take a rain check. Call me back.

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