Archive for March, 2008

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008

So an interesting thing happened to me the other day: I felt like maybe I wasn’t geeky enough. As anyone who was a geek as a child and is still a geek now will know there is a moment, usually not even a definable one, where the moniker ‘geek’ stops stinging and you begin to […]

Me & CC, Part 2
Monday, March 10th, 2008

No decisions made yet, but a couple of points were made to me about this affecting the chances of it being published in a physical book. Admittedly yes, this is a possibility, given that we live in a world where the people who produce content and the people who consume that content are separated by […]

Me & CC
Friday, March 7th, 2008

(This post and the one after it are crossposted from my facebook. Originally I was planning on just asking a question, but it turns out I have quite a few opinions on this whole topic so I decided that my blog really should start being a blog. After these two I will try to do […]